The Trump Foundation
Each and every one of us can name a memorable teacher who taught us at school, a teacher who believed in us and in our abilities, encouraged us to laborious study, infused us with knowledge and skills, and guided our path.
Teaching is an art. Good teachers are passionate, professional, proficient. They devote themselves to teaching. Every day, throughout the country, moments of magic occur, in which something new is learned, but all this takes place behind the closed doors of the classroom. The Trump Foundation wishes to expose these magical moments to the Israeli public and to show to what extent the teaching profession may be significant and challenging, a vehicle for real change.
We believe that talented people will choose to become teachers only when teaching is perceived as a worthy, respectable profession. Prospective teachers need support and encouragement from the public and its leadership to feel that they are a part of a more comprehensive process and that education in Israel is changing course. The relationship between society and the teachers must rely on mutual appreciation and trust. The teaching profession needs to be exposed as a student-centered professional craft.
The Trump Foundation strives to create a greater presence for teachers and teaching in the public sphere, and to attract talented people to the profession. We feel that exposure of the teaching act can draw the public to the teachers' world and reinforce the appeal of this profession. We aim to spur increased interest and appreciation for teaching, and raise the bar for teacher training candidates, mainly in the fields of mathematics and sciences.
The Trump Foundation was established in 2011 and over the next decade will dedicate its resources to the improvement of educational achievement in Israel. The foundation seeks to cultivate effective teaching that caters to the needs, abilities, and individual learning progress of students. The foundation aims to serve as a catalyst for igniting the spark which will restore education to its leading role on the national, social, and familial agendas.
Our work focuses primarily on the quality of teaching of mathematics and the sciences in Israeli secondary schools. We strive to reverse the decline in performance in these areas, such as the reduction in the number of high schools which offer physics studies, the shrinking number of students taking advanced tracks in mathematics, and the growing shortage in teachers in these fields.
It is our firm belief that every child in every classroom is entitled to benefit from excellent teaching, and convinced that there are many students in Israel who can improve and succeed in their studies. Our work is grounded in the premise that Israel has outstanding teachers on which to rely. These teachers work relentlessly, believe in their students’ abilities, set ambitious goals for them, and encourage them to fulfill their potential. We believe that it is essential to foster this kind of teaching talent, to invest in the development of suitable candidates, and to support the growth and boom in teaching.
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